One of the perks of having an electric smoker is that it is easy to use so it fits most rookies. That means you can easily set the temperature and later control it with the electric heating element. But, all that means nothing if you haven’t used an electric smoker and you don’t know where to start. So, due to that, I want to show you in few steps what you have to do before you start the smoker, put the meat in the smoker and finish smoking.
Table of Contents
1. Step
So, before you start smoking read this guide which can save you from most common rookie mistakes in the smoking world.
Place the smoker on the safe and dry place outside of your home. Smokers aren’t made to be inside because they produce a lot of smoke which can be dangerous if you are inside. Find a place on your patio that is under the roof and preferably on concrete because you need a straight and hard surface for a smoker to stand on. If you don’t have roofed area in your backyard then find the smoker with wheels and put it in a garage or storage when you aren’t using it. To make sure that the smoker is dry during all weather get a protective cover (buy cover on Amazon). You don’t want your electric smoker to get wet because it can cause breakdowns of electric parts.
2. Step
Now that you have placed you the smoker in the desired area, you have to fill the smoker pans with water and wood chips. Some smokers don’t have water pans because it is not a crucial factor in smoking but if your smoker has a water pan, fill it with water because the water keeps the temperature in the smoker stable. Another pan you have to have is the wood chip pan. Fill the wood chip pan with wood chips of different flavor and put it in the smoker. You will have to add wood chips during smoking so it is good to buy a smoker that has separated doors for adding wood chips. It will help you save smoke and heat.
3. Step
I have come to the step which is the most common rookie mistake – heating up the smoker. Turn on the empty smoker to the desired temperature and don’t put the food inside until the smoker has reached that temperature. It is the same principle with the oven. You won’t put the turkey in the oven until the temperature is up. When the temperature is up and you can see that the wood chips (buy wood chips on Amazon) are slowly starting to burn then you have to put the meat inside. If you put it too soon you will have the temperature that is too low and you won’t have enough smoke. The timing is everything in the smoking process.
4. Step
It is time to put the food in the smoker but you have to do it quickly. If you are smoking for the first time take a look at the smoking racks before you start smoking so you can know in advance where you will put food. That way you can easily open the doors, put the food inside without thinking; – will it fit on this rack? And close the doors. You have to be as quick as possible because every time you open the doors you are losing temperature and smoke.
5. Step
Monitor the temperature and set the timer. Don’t smoke food (especially if it is your first time) without a recipe. Stick to the recipe at the beginning and after that, you can easily stop or extend smoking if you feel that the food will be better that way. I highly suggest you get the smoker with the window so you can see what is happening inside and how the food looks like.
6. Step
When the food is done, carefully open the doors and take the food out. Use heat-resistant gloves and other tools (buy gloves on Amazon) because it is hot hot hot! Once everything is out, turn off the smoker and enjoy your meal. During meal talk with your family and share opinions because you will know whether you need to adjust the temperature, the time or even the seasoning.
Congrats your first smoking experience is done! As you can see the preparation is very important during smoking because you have to be quick when the doors are open. The entire smoking process is simple and easy, all you need to do is prepare and observe.
If you want to take a next step and spice things up, read about even more interesting cooking techniques that are the best for living off the grid.