Electric Smoker Guy

Here at ElectricSmokerGuy, we share everything about Barbecue & Electric Smokers.

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Best Electric Smokers Review in 2020

We reviewed the best electric smokers and a complete

guide on how to choose the best one.

Best Electric Smokers
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About Electric Smoker Guy

Electric Smoker Guy is an independent blog where you can read everything about electric smokers. The blog is not under any brand’s influence and it is not sponsored by any company so everything I write is based on my experience and research. 

Electric Smoker Guy came to life in 2016  and I can thank that to one of my best friends. He was at my place and I made a smoked meal that blew him away. Not long after that, he wanted to make something similar for his family so we ended up at my place where we made another smoked meal. Everybody in his family was ecstatic so he decided to get a smoker that moment. The problem was that he bought the first smoker he saw.

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